Commentary 3 - Not Numbers but Real People


(Posting of 16 December 2020)

 As of yesterday, in just over 12 months, the numbers are for COVID - 

  • Global confirmed cases: 72,912,822; total deaths: 1,622,654 (2.2%); total recovered: 41,331,840 (56.7%)
  • 3 different vaccines being administered with discriminations over 6 countries
Incredible numbers indeed, but it must never be overlooked that they are real people with real families. 

Incompetent and Corrupt Leadership has played with their lives by tactics ranging from ignoring the problem, ignoring the science, ignoring the medical/hospital needs, ignoring the containment responsibilities, ignoring the need for International co-operation, and trying to justify the ignorance with concern for the hip pocket.

The same type of "Leadership" continues into 2021 with an almost "religious" belief in the cure-all vaccines, the cure-all infrastructure spending, and the reinforced protection of the haves by letting the have-nots "eat cake".  Soon the Entertainment industries will be rolling out their "charleston" responses and "pandemic-reality" shows. Soon the medals will be pressed and distributed as "a Nation's thanks". Soon the tests will be reintroduced to check that none of the masses are living too well on the welfare largesse.  The media will write of "improved" numbers, and the stories of the deaths and on-going disabilities will no longer sell newspapers or displace news items.

The Seniors will not understand the power changes that will follow as the thirst for something different overwhelms those raised in or born of the privilege and incomes saved by the "Leadership" during the Pandemic. The "Leadership" will retire to their memoirs and old age isolations. The Names of the protected Commercial Giants of the Pandemic will be recalled on the History Channels in passing. 

And so many family members will continue to struggle on anniversary days and at their local cemeteries, trying to understand "Why did it have to happen to them?"

And China & the USA & Russia & SpaceX will rush to plant their flag on Mars as this will give great Pride to their shareholders!


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